Fosamax Plus

Fosamax Plus Drug Interactions

alendronic acid + colecalciferol




Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Alendronate Sodium: If taken at the same time it is likely that calcium supplements, antacids, and other oral medications will interfere with absorption of alendronate. Therefore, patients must wait at least one-half hour after taking FOSAMAX PLUS before taking any other oral medication.
No other drug interactions of clinical significance are anticipated.
Concomitant use of HRT (estrogen ± progestin) and FOSAMAX (alendronate sodium) was assessed in two clinical studies of one or two years' duration in postmenopausal osteoporotic women. Combined use of FOSAMAX and HRT resulted in greater increases in bone mass, together with greater decreases in bone turnover, than seen with either treatment alone. In these studies, the safety and tolerability profile of the combination was consistent with those of the individual treatments (see Clinical Studies and concomitant use with estrogen/hormone replacement therapy under SIDE EFFECTS).
Specific interaction studies were not performed. FOSAMAX was used in osteoporosis studies in men and postmenopausal women with a wide range of commonly prescribed drugs without evidence of clinical adverse interactions.
Since NSAID use is associated with gastrointestinal irritation, caution should be used during concomitant use with alendronate.
Colecalciferol: Olestra, mineral oils, orlistat, and bile acid sequestrants (e.g., cholestyramine, colestipol) may impair the absorption of vitamin D. Anticonvulsants, cimetidine, and thiazides may increase the catabolism of vitamin D.
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